Deciding to euthanize your companion animal may be one of the most difficult decisions you ever make.

Often, well-loved pets are euthanized to minimize unnecessary suffering. The quality of animals’ lives is defined by their overall physical and mental well-being, not just one aspect of their lives. The below link provides a fact sheet which helps to consider all aspects of your pet’s life. It is important to remember that all pets are different. What may be considered a poor quality of life for one may be different for another.

Higher numbers on this chart equal a better quality of life of the treatments that your pet is undergoing. It is important to discuss these symptoms and side effects with your veterinarian.

Questions to ask yourself:

What is the most important thing when considering my pet’s end-of-life treatment?

What are my thoughts about euthanasia?

Would I consider euthanasia if the following were true about my pet:

  • Feeling pain?

  • Can no longer urinate and/or defecate?

  • Starts to experience seizures?

  • Has become uncontrollably violent or is unsafe to others?

  • Has stopped eating?

  • Is no longer acting normally?

  • Has a condition that will only worsen with time?

  • Financial limitations prohibit treatment?

  • Palliative (hospice) care has been exhausted or is not an option?

  • The veterinary team recommends euthanasia?

  • The veterinary team recommends euthanasia, but the required symptoms or situations that I listed above are not present?

This information was obtained from The Ohio State University Veterinary Medical Center.